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'Tis the Season for Snow & Ice Accidents


The holiday season is one of the most dangerous times to be driving on the road every year. Not only does alcohol consumption – which leads to drunk driving – increase, but inclement weather is also another contributing factor to auto accidents during the winter season. Based on a study by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), more than 1,300 people die annually in car accidents involving snowy, icy, or slushy roads while another 116,800 sustain serious injuries.

Many motorists understand when to slow down and leave extra room between vehicles when snow and ice are evident. However, when a driver causes a crash that leads to injury or death because of their inability to drive safely in inclement weather, he or she can be held liable for the accident.

Driving hazards created by icy and snowy conditions include:

  1. Slippery roads, including a hazard known as “black ice”
  2. Decreased visibility as a result of falling snow, windblown snow, or snow which covers reference points on the roadways, such as lines and medians

Injured in a Snow & Ice Car Accident? Let Us Help!

Our Anchorage personal injury lawyer at The Law Offices of David Henderson are committed to helping our clients recover the compensation they deserve. We will review your case and determine all of your legal options in order to obtain the most favorable outcome possible. Do not hesitate to retain our experienced legal services so you can make a successful recovery from injury.

Contact us and request a free consultation today.
