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5 Pieces of Evidence You Need After a Car Accident


When you are hit by a negligent or reckless driver and suffer an injury in the resulting car accident, the chances are not high that they will want to admit fault and pay for your damages. More likely than not, they will try to escape any sort of liability for their mistakes, and their insurance company will probably feel the same way. If you want to get as much compensation as possible, then you need to start thinking right away about evidence you can use to prove you were not the cause of the crash.

5 critical pieces of evidence to use after a car accident are:

  1. Photographs: Pictures really do say a thousand words. Do not forget it after being in a car accident. Take photographs with your smartphone or personal camera of the scene, the area around it, and everyone involved. You need to get snapshots of any injuries, vehicular damage, and property destruction from multiple angles. The more you take, the better. The goal is recreating the events that led up to the crash with a slideshow.
  2. Eyewitness testimonies: You will only reasonably be able to testify what you saw firsthand during your car accident. This does not mean others did not see your crash, though. Talk to people who stop to help you and see if they will be willing to share their testimonies with you.
  3. Weather reports: Was inclement weather a cause behind your crash? Or, was the negligent driver speeding even though it was raining, hailing, or snowing? With official weather reports for the time of your accident, you can further reduce your liability by increasing that of other parties.
  4. Police records: Judges and juries respect the word of the law, first and foremost. If the police were called to your accident scene, be sure to get a copy of any reports they make afterwards. This is especially true if you suspect your auto accident was caused by a drunk, distracted, or uninsured driver.
  5. Medical examinations: Just as law enforcement is trusted by the courts, so are medical professionals and scientific facts. Medical records created after your accident should be compared to those that show your good health before the crash. You should also ask your doctor if there are any x-rays or notes that can be filed with your claim that clearly demonstrate your injuries.

Let Me Build Your Claim on Your Behalf

Even with ample evidence collected, you will still need to construct it in an argument that proves the validity of your claim and the extent of your damages, both economic and noneconomic. This can be tricky if you are not familiar with Alaska’s liability laws, and downright frustrating if you still need time to recuperate. To get the guesswork and legwork out of your case, call me, Anchorage Car Accident Attorney David Henderson of The Law Offices of David Henderson. I have been representing the victims of car crashes since 1998 and would be happy to apply my experience and knowledge to your case as well.

Find out more about my services by sending me a free online consultation form now.
