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Can I File a Lawsuit If a Medical Provider Commits an Anesthesia Error?


During specific medical procedures and most surgeries, a medical provider known as an anesthesiologist will need to administer anesthesia to the patient. Anesthesia can come in several forms, each with the purpose of either rendering the patient unconscious or eliminating the sensation of pain, enabling the procedure. As beneficial as anesthesia may be, it is actually extremely dangerous when administered or dosed incorrectly.

Each year, anesthesia errors endanger the lives of countless patients across the country. Being given too much anesthesia can cause a patient to fall into a coma, or it may possibly result in death. Being given too small of a dosage of anesthesia could negate the purpose of the drug altogether, meaning the patient will experience intense pain during a procedure. It is possible for a patient to be caught in the middle of too-much and not-enough anesthesia, feeling pain and awakening during surgery but not having the cognitive wherewithal to get the anesthesiologist’s attention. Such a situation can obviously lead to traumatization.

In other cases of anesthesia errors, a patient might be allergic to anesthesia and similar drugs. If a medical provider fails to check their medical histories thoroughly, then just a slight amount of anesthesia could put the patient’s health in jeopardy.

Medical Malpractice Claims Following Anesthesia Errors

Any time a medical provider deviates from acceptable medical standards and endangers a patient because of it, the result is medical malpractice. Anesthesia errors are no exception. If it can be proven that a medical provider committed an anesthesia error that hurt the patient and led to damages, like the need for further medical care or emotional scarring, then it could be possible for the patient to file a medical malpractice claim in pursuit of compensation.

Anchorage’s Premier Legal Team for Medical Malpractice Cases

Have you or a loved one been harmed due to an anesthesia error? You should not stay quiet about the incident. By speaking up and seeking justice through a personal injury claim, you not only help yourself recover financially but you might also help prevent the same mistake from being conducted by the same medical provider in the future.

Allow my law firm, The Law Offices of David Henderson, help you file your claim. I am an Anchorage medical malpractice attorney with more than 17 years of legal experience under my belt. When you retain my services for your claim, you can be confident that you have a real legal fighter in your corner.

Contact my firm now to schedule a free case evaluation to your convenience.