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Prepare for a Safe Road Trip


Road trips can be a beloved tradition for many families. Whether you are starting a new tradition, revisiting an old spot, or are setting off just to see the country, you should have a safe and accident-free trip. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your trip.

Get Your Car Ready

Your car deserves some attention before you trust it to take you safely on your trip. Here are some things to check as you get ready to leave:

  • Make sure that all fluids are topped off and your car is in good shape. Schedule routine maintenance to occur before the trip.
  • Check your tires, brakes, headlights and taillights, and windshield wipers. It can be easy to forget these parts, but they are critical to the safety of your vehicle.
  • Make sure your spare tire is in good shape, and you have all the necessary tools to change a flat tire, including your jack, tire iron, and reflective markers or flares.
  • Pack a roadside safety kit where it is easily accessible. These kits should contain items to help you in a breakdown, such as a flashlight, poncho, reflective triangles or flares, and jumper cables.
  • Pack a first aid kit, which should include bandages, alcohol wipes or other cleaning supplies, antibiotic ointment, anti-itch cream, antihistamines, and painkillers.

Packing Safely

You may be bringing a lot with you on your trip. Packing your car is easy, especially with a little planning. Here are tips to pack your car safely.

  • Pack heavy items on the bottom of your car and make sure the weight is evenly distributed from side to side.
  • Make sure that your emergency supplies are easy to access. Unpacking in the dark, on the side of a highway, is not a good summer road trip memory.
  • Make sure you pack plenty of healthy snacks and water for your trip and place them where a passenger has easy access to them.
  • Pack warm jackets, even if the weather forecast is warm. If you are stranded, these can help you stay comfortable until help arrives.

Traveling Safely

Now that you’re all packed, it’s time to hit the road. Stay safe, and keep these tips in mind:

  • Invest in a roadside assistance service membership. This can save you time and hassle, should you have a breakdown.
  • Always follow all road rules, and slow down to allow for an unfamiliar road and conditions.
  • Pull over or switch drivers when you get sleepy.
  • Ask a passenger to handle snacks, music, and directions to reduce distractions for the driver.

As an Anchorage personal injury attorney, I hope that your summer trip is memorable for all the right reasons, and not for a painful injury. If you are injured, however, The Law Offices of David Henderson is ready to help you!

Contact me to schedule a free consultation with our Anchorage auto accident lawyer. Learn how I can help you by calling (888) 295-6566.
