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Common Types of Leg Injuries from Car Accidents

Common Leg Injuries Sustained in Car Accidents

Car accidents can cause serious injuries, and one of the most common types of injuries sustained in car accidents is leg injuries. A collision can result in significant harm to your legs, knees, feet, and ankles, causing you pain and suffering over a long period.

Because of these injuries, you may incur hefty medical bills, missed time at work, a change in your quality of life, and other long-term effects caused by your leg injury. If the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence or recklessness, you may be entitled to pursue compensation for your injuries and financial losses. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common leg injuries that people often sustain in car accidents.

Fractured or Crushed Bones

Car accidents can cause broken bones in your legs, feet, and ankles. The impact can result in a direct blow or indirect damage, causing bones to break or shatter. A bone fracture is a break in the continuity of the bone caused by an external force, such as a car accident. Depending on the severity of the impact, a person can suffer from anything from minor hairline fractures to more serious compound fractures.

In some cases, bones may even be crushed due to the force of the impact. Fractures can be serious and require extensive medical treatment, often involving surgery, medication, and physical therapy.

Ligament & Tendon Injuries

Ligament and tendon injuries are also common in car accidents. Ligaments are tissues that connect bones, cartilage, and joints, while tendons are fibrous cords of tissue that attach muscles to the bone.

Because of force on your leg, you may suffer an injury to your ligaments or tendons when the tissues become overstretched or torn. A severe ligament or tendon injury can result in long-term disabilities and chronic pain.

Knee Injuries

The knee joint is complex and, therefore, vulnerable to injury in a car accident. Knees can sustain different types of injuries, ranging from mild bruises to severe ligament tears. Common types of knee injuries sustained in a car accident include meniscus and ACL injuries.

An ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear is a common injury that can occur in a car accident. The ACL is a band of tissue in the knee that helps to stabilize the joint and keep it from moving too far in one direction. When the ACL is torn, it can cause pain and instability in the knee, as well as damage to other structures such as the meniscus.

In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or reconstruct the ACL and other structures. In addition to physical therapy, rehabilitation exercises are often recommended to help restore strength and mobility in the knee after an ACL tear caused by a car accident.

When a person is involved in a car accident, the force of the impact can cause their knee to twist or turn suddenly, leading to a tear in one of the menisci within the knee. Symptoms of a meniscus injury include pain in the knee joint that comes and goes, swelling, and difficulty bending and straightening the leg. Treatment for these injuries typically involves rest, physical therapy, and sometimes surgery.

Ankle Injuries

Car accidents can cause a variety of ankle injuries, ranging from minor to severe. The most common type of ankle injury caused by car accidents is a sprain, which occurs when the ligaments in the ankle are stretched or torn. Sprains can range from mild (Grade I) to severe (Grade III), depending on the level of damage done to the ligaments.

Other types of ankle injuries that may occur due to car accidents include:

  • fractures,
  • strains, and
  • tendon tears.

Ankle injuries may seem minor, but they can be very painful and may lead to long-term damage. Ankle injuries can temporarily or permanently restrict your mobility and affect your quality of life.

Muscle Strains & Bruises

Soft tissue damage is also a common injury sustained in car accidents; bruises might appear as blue, purple, yellow, or other discolorations on the skin and can be quite painful. However, bruises do not have long-term health consequences.

In some cases, car accident victims can suffer from internal bruising. This type of bruising affects the deep tissue under your skin and can be sustained on your muscle or bones. Internal bruising can present itself with the following symptoms: swelling, difficulty moving the affected area, and/or skin discoloration.

A muscle strain is an injury to the muscles or tendons caused by sudden force or impact, such as that experienced during a car accident. The force of a collision can stretch and tear the ligaments, muscles, and tendons in the body, resulting in pain and discomfort.

Muscle strains can be mild or severe depending on the intensity of the force involved in the accident. Symptoms may include swelling, tenderness, bruising, and difficulty moving the affected area. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms after a car accident to ensure proper treatment and recovery.

Muscle strains and bruises may not sound as severe as fractures or ligament damage, but they can still cause significant pain and discomfort. Patients may require rehabilitation, medication, or rest to recover from the injuries.

Let Us Help You Pursue Damages for Your Injuries

At the Law Offices of David Henderson, our attorney has decades of legal experience and is known for providing aggressive legal representation to our clients. While you take the time to focus on healing your leg wound, our team can handle the case legalities and fight for your right to fair compensation. Once you retain our services, we can help you maximize your compensation and minimize your liability as well as:

  • Investigate the accident to establish causation and liability
  • Collect evidence (i.e. police reports, witness statements, medical records, video footage/surveillance, etc.)
  • Handle case negotiations or litigation (if necessary)
  • Protect your legal rights throughout your case

Learn more about how our firm can help you by scheduling an initial consultation. Call (888) 295-6566 today.
